
We understand the significance of forming essential partnerships and fostering strong collaborations with both vendors and partners as we strive to deliver the most advantageous value propositions to our clients. To achieve this, we consistently work on forming strategic alliances with well-established players in the IT industry.


togethër togethër 

Togethër is Web3 Lifestyle Platform that harnesses the power of community and decentralisation, and aim to bridge the physical world with the crypto-world.


GSE Group is an international company, a software and hardware platform developer and maker specialising in the integration of smart technologies into a wide range of devices, especially in kitchen appliances. GSE Group has been a reputable player in the SMART industry successfully upgrade and modernise products of different brands and to provide support from concept formation stage to product design, project follow up, and the global marketing.


Maxis Berhad is one of the oldest and largest telecommunications companies in Malaysia. Maxis Berhad provides a variety of communication products, applications and value added services for consumers, large enterprises as well as small & medium business owners.




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